1) Who can enter the competition?
The competition is open to individuals of 18 years of age and over.
Participation is free and can be entered by persons or groups. In the latter case, a representative must be necessarily indicated who will act as unique and exclusive spokesperson for all members of the entrepreneurial group or designers group, at each stage of the competition.
The competition does not set any limit of access as regards the possession of professional requirements, geographical or otherwise, except as hereinafter provided.
It is possible to submit more than one project made from 1st September 2016 relating to shops already operating.
2) What are the prizes?
The total prize money amounts to Euro 7,500.00, which will be divided into three prizes:
- 1st prize: € 3,500
- 2nd prize: € 2,500
- 3rd prize: € 1,500
3) Does the registration have any fee?
There is no Registration fee.
The participation in the Contest takes place exclusively through the regular compilation of the application form, downloadable from the site www.concorsostoriedifarina.it, which must be sent together with the required documents, according to the technical requirements set out in the answer to the question N°4.
4) What materials should I send?
To enter the contest the following materials must be submitted:
• A minimum of 3, to a maximum of 6 design drawing sheets in A3 format (29.7 x 42 cm) with plans, sections, rendering, drawings, mounted on light cardboard
• From 6 to 10 photographs of the local built, empty and in business, printed in A4 (21 x 29.7), mounted on light cardboard
• Two pages in Word, on a A4 sheet, in Italian or English (maximum 3,500 characters) with explanations on the design and on the positioning market choice, with precise information on the location, target and business activity of the shop
• Application for participation in the competition, downloadable from the site www.concorsostoriedifarina.it, completed with the required data
• A CD, DVD or USB pendrive containing the files of the abovementioned design drawing sheets (.pdf or .jpg), the photographs and the report (.doc), with images in an appropriate resolution for printing requirements (300 dpi).
All materials must bear the name of the designer, contractor or group of designers, and the name of the shops.
Each table must be formatted to fit the pre-set sheet downloadable from the Download area of www.concorsostoriedifarina.it and must be completed with the required data:
• name of the shop
• name of the designer, or of the owner or of the group
Any project submitted with materials other than those required will not be considered valid for the purposes of participation in the competition.
5) When do I have to send the materials?
Entry deadline is, under penalty of exclusion from the competition, November 30th 2018.
It is possible to insert materials for various independent projects in just one shipping.
6) Where do I send the materials?
All entries must be received by November 30th 2018 by registered mail or courier sent to the following address:
Concorso Storie di Farina
Corso Vittorio Emanuele 15
20122 Milano (Italy)
All deliveries with payment or customs charges of any kind to be paid by the recipient will be rejected.
Entries will not be returned.
The organization takes no responsibility for damaged, stolen or lost competition entries.
7) When is the award prize ceremony?
The awarding of the prizes will take place by January 30th 2019.
The date of the awarding will be communicated by mail to the winners, together with the request of confirmation of availability to collect the prize, 30 days in advance.
8) Who are the members of jury?
Members of the Jury:
Arturo Dell’Acqua Bellavitis (Politecnico di Milano and Triennale Design Museum Foundation President) (Chairman of the Jury)
Davide Paolini (The Gastronauta - Writer and journalist Sole 24 Ore and Radio 24)
Roberto Capello (President of FIPPA Federazione Italiana Panificatori Pasticceri Affini)
Nicola R. Ticozzi (HoReCa Courses Workshop - Architecture & Marketing and Milano Business School coordinator)
9) What are the criteria used to evaluate the winners?
The jury will evaluate the entries submitted according to the following criteria:
• Originality and innovative features of the shop/space
• Aesthetic and functional values expressed by the shop/space
• Furniture and lighting solutions
• Enhancement, even aesthetic, of food raw materials or the production process
• Commercial opportunities and replicability of the format
10) Who is the owner of the copyright of the submitted projects?
The copyright remains to the authors.
The participants authorize Agugiaro & Figna Molini SpA and their assignees to publish their projects in catalogues, books, websites, magazines or other international media, and to display them at fair trade shows and events. Nothing will be given to the participants for such uses.
Agugiaro & Figna Molini SpA will always indicate the authorship of the work, and shall not be liable should media or third parties not specify it.